connecting people to god

Luke 19:10 tells us that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Our mission is to bring in those who are searching, broken, hopeless, and lead them into a relationship with Christ and His people.  We strive to create an environment in our services and in every ministry that engages people from all walks of life and seasons of faith. Our messages are uplifting and inspiring. Our music is relevant and Christ-centered. Our goal is to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

connecting people to people

We don't want to just stop at bringing people in, so we've created easy and identifiable Next Steps for wherever you are on your journey.  We believe that life is a shared experience and is meant to be lived surrounded by relationships.  Jesus said that the Great Commandment is “to love one another” (John 13:34-35). Our community groups exists to provide a safe place where everyone knows your name and they care about you and what’s happening in your life.  Let's grow together!

connecting people to ministry

At Oasis or goal is not to create "busy Christians." We want to bring people into a relationship with Christ, build them up on their journey and send them out to change the world. We firmly believe there is a life out there waiting for you to be part of a change, a breakthrough, a blessing or a miracle. You can be part of changing someone's world and leaving an eternal mark through going on Mission overseas or locally in your community. There are people every week serving on our Weekend Teams as part of the life change taking place here at Oasis Church.  Let's GO change the world together!  (Matthew 28:18-20