Media Use Policy

Photographs of how we live out our lives bring our website and social media to life, providing a window into the vitality and friendliness of the people that calls Oasis home. Accordingly, as we connect with people, you may see more and more of our staff photographers during worship, kids, and students ministry experiences in addition to other Oasis activities.

When you enter our campus or a church-sponsored event, you will be entering an area where photography, video, and audio recording may occur. By participating in these events, you consent to photography or video recording being used in Oasis marketing materials, including but not limited to: websites, social media, newsletters, brochures, advertisements, displays, etc.

Our photographers and staff will aspire to do the following:

  1. Ensure the privacy of photographed subjects, personal identifying information – beyond the use of first names - will not be used in any publications, videos, displays, websites, or social media. 

  2. We may identify children or youth and if so, by first name only, in any publications, videos, displays, websites or social media.

  3. We will not tag anyone in social media posts, but instead allow our congregants, staff, and visitors to tag themselves as they see fit on pages sponsored or managed by Oasis.

  4. If copyright for a photo or video is held by someone other than Oasis Church, we will receive permission to post it and provide credit if desired by the photographer.

  5. We will gladly remove any photo or video upon written request from our online websites, social media, and resource files.

If you or your children wish to not be photographed or appear in our publications, displays or online media, please do any one of the following:

  • Email, and provide the name of those who should not be photographed and include a photograph of said persons for reference, if possible. Oasis will use the photo for identification purposes only and will hold it in confidence.

  • Make your wishes known to the photographer in person at the time of photography.

  • If circumstances change and you wish to reverse or modify your decision, please contact the communications ministry.

By participating in Oasis Church worship or events or by failing to notify Oasis Church of your desire to not have your image used, you are agreeing to release Oasis from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or likeness.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We hope you have a wonderful time finding new friends and family at Oasis Church.