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oasis kids

At Oasis Church, our children environments take church to an all-new level, making it fun and creative so they can enjoy every moment learning about Jesus. Weekly, kids get involved in a wide range of exciting, and age-appropriate activities.

Around here we strive to make the greatest impact on the spiritual life of every child. We do this by intentionally establishing a partnership with parents. The church is represented by the color yellow and the home by the color red. When combined, they create a more vibrant color… Orange. Orange connects parents and leaders with the same strategy and same end goal!

Wonderland gives children a first impression of their heavenly Father
and the wonder of His love for each one of them.

Wonderland INCITES WONDER in the heart of a preschooler
 Our curriculum is designed so that each preschooler will grow up believing 3 basic truths:

"God made me"
"God loves me"
"Jesus wants to be my friend forever"

Elementary-age kids are in a constant state of discovery and we desire to invite kids to live out their new understanding of how to grow in relationship with God and with others.

Discoveryland is a fun, safe and age-appropriate environment. Music, drama, videos and storytelling capture the imagination in a large group setting,
while creative small group activities – games, special projects, arts and crafts – give them time to share their individual thoughts and questions with a devoted leader.
In partnership with parents, we lay a spiritual foundation that each child can build on throughout their life through these 3 basic truths:

"I need to make the wise choice." (Wisdom)
"I can trust God no matter what." (Faith)
"I should treat others the way I want to be treated." (Friendship)


Jesus said "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." -Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Parenting comes with a lot of pressure, but you don’t have to do it alone. Baby Dedication is an opportunity for you to connect with church leaders who are committed to loving and leading your child well, meet other parents in a similar life stage, and promise to raise your child in a purposeful, God-honoring way.

During the Baby Dedication ceremony, new parents commit to raising their child as a Christian, teaching them about God’s love, and leading them in their walk with Him. The Dedication Service is a decision made by the parent(s) and not by the child themselves. Therefore, Baby Dedication is not a baptism, but a way for parent(s) to commit to God to train, teach, and be godly examples for their children, as well as to show trust in God and thankfulness for His gift.

We love God with everything in us, and we model that for our kids because we know that our example is far more powerful than our words. We teach our kids what it looks like to follow Jesus. And we talk about it and think about it often. Leading kids to become fully devoted followers of Christ isn’t a checkbox on a parenting to-do list. It’s an intentional, ongoing conversation that shapes who they are now and who they become later.

We are excited to come alongside you, and to welcome you and your child into Oasis Church and the Oasis Kids ministry. Click the link below for more information about our next Baby Dedication event.


What age do you accept children?

Oasis Kids serves children from birth through 5th grade. Middle schoolers and high schoolers are part of Oasis Students, which you can learn more about at https://www.visitoasis.org/oasisstudents

Do you have Special Needs Classes?

We don’t have specific classes but if you email us at oasiskids@visitoasis.org we will be glad to see how we can serve you.

What will my child be doing while they are in an Oasis Kids experience?

At Oasis Kids, we are intentional about providing an experience that helps children grow their relationship with the Lord. Our weekend programs are not childcare, but are an entire worship service consisting of worship, prayer, Bible story, and age-appropriate activities to help kids understand and apply the lesson.

What security procedures do you have in place?

Volunteers are background checked before they begin serving. We have a detailed check-In/check out process where each parent is left with a unique pick up tag. Should anything arise, your family number will appear on the big screen in Auditorium.All Oasis Kids areas are locked during service.

What happens if I go to pick up my child and I have lost my pick up tag?

The teacher will call for the Children’s Director who will check your identification and release your child to you.

Do you feed the children snacks?

No, we do not serve snacks. Water is available as needed.

What is your policy on discipline?

Our policy states that teachers provide constant supervision of all children in their care and that no child will be permitted to exhibit behavior, which could endanger himself or herself or another child. This will be accomplished by preventative measures taken by the volunteers and by separating children from the group when necessary. Other methods to control behavior that may be employed by the teachers include: a discussion with the child concerning the appropriate behavior, providing an alternative activity for the child, or contacting the parent when a behavioral issue can’t be resolved. The emphasis will be on appropriate behavior, which the child should exhibit. If a child is separated from the group he/she should not be removed for any longer than 1 minute per year of child's life (ex: 2 year old = 2 minutes)

What age does a volunteer have to be to work in a room?

All volunteers must be at least 12 years old or older. There is at least one adult 18 or over in every classroom at all times.

Can the teacher give my child medication?

Unfortunately we cannot administer any medication under any circumstances.

How can I help my child catch up if we miss a Sunday?

All our Oasis Kids material, including Bible stories and worship videos, are available on the Oasis app.

Where do we check in?

Oasis Kids check-in is located in the main church lobby, and there will be a volunteer available to provide assistance if needed. Once you have printed your child's tags, please bring your child to their respective classroom.

How can I serve in Oasis Kids?

We're so glad you asked! Serving in church is an important part of following Christ, and we consider ourselves blessed to get to teach kids about God. We'd love to get to know you better and help you find the right place for you. Please email us at oasiskids@visitoasis.org to learn more.

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